A “How To Plan” For Parents of Spoiled Real Estate Children: When I was younger, my neighbor had a crazy dog. Every day this dog would wait by the side of the road for vehicles to drive by. When a vehicle drove by, this crazy mutt would run down the road, barking and chasing everyone’s vehicle that drove by. On one rainy day, I asked my neighbor “Do you think the dog is ever going to chase down one of those vehicles?” My neighbor replied, “That’s not what worries me. What worries me is what he would do if he ever caught one.” Many people in life behave like that dog who is pursuing meaningless goals. Meaningless goals are goals that are not backed by values. Before you start defining your family goals you first need to define your values. Goals not backed by values are meaningless and might as well be considered criminal activity. If you want to define the life goals you first need to define your values. The framework for setting goals back by values can be...